
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Lost Crayons and Scissor Cramps

Ok, I must have been really distracted today.  I cut out workstation cards through 2 movies!  I think my hand is about to fall off! 

I know my pile doesn't look very big, but MAN it took forever!  Of course it didn't help when I stopped to watch the latest E News on the Rob and Kristen drama and chat about it with my bestie!

BUT let me really get to the posting point.....

Today I fixed up these for my lost and found crayons! 

I got the idea from somewhere (Pinterest if I can remember correctly).  I am pretty excited about this!  In the years past I have done a few different things and last year I got tired of kiddos digging and digging just to find an elusive black or red.  This will be much quicker! 
Ok, I'm off to bed now!  But first I might ice my "scissor-cutting" hand!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Word Wall Pride

Ok, this wordwall I used last year and it worked GREAT - even for kindergarten!

So, many people seem to be afraid to let their kinders take words off the word wall but this was a super easy way for them to get their sight words and take them to their seat for journal writing. 
I put my color choice fabric up on the bulletin board, then threw a clear shower curtain up over it.  (That part WAS a little never doing this again! challenging, because I was working by myself to get it on their with out wrinkles pretend you don't see any.  Next I would write the word-wall words on index cards with bright colored markers then just add the words using "ticky-tack". 
 They stick on and off so easily!  Sometimes my words would need to be replaced-but this always made me happy because that meant the kids were really using their word wall to their advantage!
Here's one more shot.  Those bags are our book "bags" instead of book "boxes".  I just assign them a letter and they use the bag all year.  We used these during "Read-to-Self.  I used to teach first grade and LOVED the "sisters" Daily 5 teaching strategies.  I am still working on implimenting this in Kindergarten.  It's a work in progress.  Hope to do better this coming up year!  I might even not assign them a seat!!!!  DID I JUST SAY THAT?  I think my veteran coworker might have a heart attack (JK-love you Rachel!) 

I will post more pics when school starts so you can see the word wall in action!