
Thursday, June 9, 2016

How did I we survive?

This shirt was made for me!  I love it! And my sweet girl wearing it!!!

One of our best field trips this year was the AR reward field trip! PTA paid for us to go to the new movie theater in town and we all got a snack pack! The theater is amazing because there is enough room to walk up and down each isle without people having to move their legs. AND we all know going to the movies with a million first graders will definitely have some one on one "stop throwing popcorn" conversations throughout the movie.

Me and my team! LOVE these ladies!

When it rains almost every day or night the last two weeks of school you get desperate and do ART stations!!! Da-Da-DAAAAA! They got just a TAD excited when the paint and modeling clay came out!
There's a reason I save everything, LOL! for rainy weeks when you need to find other ways to entertain the kids besides a movie!
Of course I didn't get a front picture of this guys habitat box.  He did sea turtles and he had the cutest moving sea turtle hanging from the top of the box that would swim when you turned it on!
Reading his research paper on snakes to little sister!
Ok, is this smile not the most infectious smile ever! I will miss his sweet smiles!
In this little gals box was an ocelot, and she used the cutest mine craft toy for her ocelot! We have that toy at home and my girls love it, lol!
This little Dalmatian was on a running track! She was so creative!

Daily 5 today!

On this day I was just so proud as I looked around my classroom and everyone was working so hard and independent! Of course it's not like this every day but that is my goal, right?!?

These two boys are best friends and some how just got lucky enough to be partners as well.  I just love when besties are good at working together! Here they are doing "Word Work" with spelling words.

These two kiddos always worked great at "Read to Someone".  She was eager to listen, and he was eager to read!
These girls are in the Library doing "Listen to Reading" on the ipad, and "Read to Self".
Up on the loft this little one is journal writing for "Work on Writing".  She is so very creative! Below her I have computers as a 6th rotation/choice in the Daily 5.  This is where we get our IStation time in since we only go to the computer lab once a week.
At my table I have one of my reading groups rereading one of their books that we have just done earlier in the week.
Here is a look at our CAFE menu to help us recall reading strategies we have covered over the year. Yes, I agree, it isn't as full as I would like it to be but we still refer to it often!
Here is just a few pictures of my classroom library in the spring time. You can tell the basket s are getting used by the look of the books, all disheveled.

As you can tell books are an important part of our classroom! We have lots to choose from!!! I make a very big deal about choosing good fit books throughout the year and widening our reading choices by having a little of everything for them to choose from!

Field Trips and Fun!

For Earth Day we walked to Unidad Park and picked up trash! It was perfect timing because the next day San Angelo was doing the Children's Fair at the park and we got to watch them get ready!

Here we took our yearly trip to the Nature Center! This lovely woman is the best presenter for children I have ever seen! She is by far one of my favorites!

We walked to Tom Green County West Branch Library and enjoyed hearing about all the summer programs about to begin.

May 7th we had our first official "Fun Run" at Unidad Park on the Red Arroyo Trail! It was so fun! and a great success! Join us next year for "Run the Red" 5K/1Mile fun run!!! 

Money money money!

Our last unit in Math is Personal Financial Literacy......Which I just call MONEY!  Even though we practice money all throughout the school year I hit it hard towards the end in a big unit.
"Shopaholic" is where the students choose two different items (newspaper clippings) and use double digit addition to find a total for the two items. (If you don't want them to carry over in their addition just make sure no digit is greater than 4 on your prices.)

This game was fun for the kids. They had a bag full of change and had to pinch some money out of the bag, then draw and count it. It was actually very challenging to just do a small pinch and not a handful!

Spill the cup is pretty simple. Each little cup #DollarTreeFind has a letter on the bottom and some change in it.  The students literally spill the cup, lol, and then draw and count the change.

The class favorite was "Scoot It" money version.  I got this from my coworker who used it in previous years at the second grade level but my students did GREAT!

They loved getting to move around the classroom and fill in the blanks on their page.
I don't think I had ever seen my kids work so well in partners as they did for this activity! #Win!