
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Lost Sleep, Wasted

Do you ever find your self up at 3a.m. thinking about school?  Planning, organizing, and aranging things in your mind.  MAN, I have spent hours of sleep time this summer thinking about this move to Kindergarten.  I have been so excited to start over in new room with new furniture added to my collection!  I even had an amazing parent last year build me a reading loft.   
This week was it. I had the maintenence office schedule to turn the air on for me (since San Angelo has averaged over 100 degrees regularly). Today was the BIG day! My husband already painted  my room and I have finally found what might work for my new layout. But, I have been eagerly waiting on my husband to set my loft back up.  I feel like I am at a stand still because it isn't up yet. I have been eagerly anticipating today and of all things I got a stomach bug today!  I haven't been sick in months and of all the days, it has to be the day my husband promised to help me set up my loft.  Of course since I am feeling yucky my husband has taken the opportunity to avoid going up to my classroom, yet again.  Now I am sitting at home bummed out, trying not to get sick.  Therefore, I will most likely lose more sleep tonight thinking about what to do next!

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