
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Math Journals

So, I want to share some of the pictures of our math journals we worked on through out the year.  I am pretty proud because we actually did this all year long and it worked out great!  We would only get them out a few days a week and add math concepts we were already covering in the classroom.  Unfortunately I didn't get a picture of the outside of any of our math journals but they were cute!  We sent them home with the kids and this note.
Each time we got out our journals we would add how many days we have been to school (counting to the 100th day).

We would practice writing numbers 1-10 and patterns.
We would also journal the calendar as we moved throught each month.  When we where done we would color a pattern while others were working.
 We also graphed our teeth that we lost for each month.  Unfortunately I did not get a picture of the teeth graph.

When we studied numbers 0-20 we would do them different ways each time. Some foldables, some layout pages, and sometimes we got lazy and just drew on the page and added some ten frame boxes.

(The Lazy Version, lol)

The kids LOVED putting the clock together!



Journals were always done together as a review of things we already covered or where studying at the time.  You can purchase my complete Math Journaling Packet on my TpT store and get all of my printables that we used plus many more! 


  1. I added this to my wishlist on TPT. What math curriculum do you use?

  2. My district has 17 elementary schools and we use "Texas Mathematics" This is the only math curriculum I have used because we switched to it my first year (5 years ago)...Can't say it's my favorite. That is why we did the journals this year. I am moving back up to first grade and plan on doing a math journal for First Grade as well! For kindergarten I really liked it and I had my kiddos traned pretty well, lol!
