Saturday, November 14, 2015

Halloween fun!

Here's a quick look at our Halloween stations.  As you can see, the first station is not Halloween at all BUT totally fun!  We were practicing ways to "Make 10" with bingo dotters.  They Loved It!

The big "Math Ideas" we covered during stations these couple weeks were:
Counting Dimes and Pennies

Fact Families

Comparing Numbers

Counting base 10.
I also have ELA stations that I didn't get pictures of (because I went on a week long cruise)! 
Check it out at my store! 

And we did a little whole group "Mystery Number" Aka- Algebra for first graders.  I will refrain from station my opinion on this standard and how it applies to first graders, but by gosh, they will have it mastered by second grade, at the rate we practice it!

I just love my little photo bomber at the carpet! lol!

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