Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Art of Clipart

When I started this adventure of entrepreneur-ship I decided I didn't want to use the same clipart everyone else was using....(aka-I'm super cheap!) So, I decided to try to make my own clipart.  It has been a fun and gratifying process and I wanted to share how I do it!

I usually start out with a list....That helps me stay on task!
Here is a couple of samples that I had done and crossed off my list. ( I was working on an ABC clipart packet to sell.)
I begin my light sketch......(sometimes I google some pictures to get an idea of how to form the body or what position I like the best.)

Then I trace them carefully with my fancy black felt tip markers! (I LOVE THEM!!!!)
I go back through and erase any pencil marks I might see because they will show up when I scan them in.
And my favorite part....Marking it off the list! (Or in this case, tracing the pink with black!)

I then scan them through a copy machine use some pretty cool (aka-expensive) programs to convert the image to the special files that are best for clipart.  I use the Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop to convert and color.  These are what work best for me!  I hope you found this interesting, lol!

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